None of us have been able to do a thing alone. I do know that in the turbulent years of my past I existed off of the prayers of Cloteal Gamble, Ruby Nell Gamble, George and Octavius Jackson, Phyllis Williams, my aunts, uncles, and friends. This is especially true of the times that I was too proud or ignorant to pray for myself. To this I say THANK YOU ALL!
I realize that all I have and aspire to accomplish is because someone else was not able to reach and/or pursue their goals to make sure that I was able to. I realize that not one dime was ever earned just because Trennan was able, intellectually or physically to earn it alone. This is true of many but my will to do it comes from God and those that have spent moments in thoughts about my future, my physical strength comes from God and the people that helped to nourish my physical abilities throughout the years. My intelligence comes from those that took of and from themselves to make sure that I got it, even when I did not want to get it.
I have done nothing on my own not even take a breath. This was even given to me by God through the love of my parents and I REALLY appreciate it now more than ever. This day I promise to make sure that my children know that there is nothing that is accomplished that is not accomplished on the shoulders of someone else. Thank you to the griots, ancestors, loved-ones, prayerful ones, coaches, teachers, mentors, family, friends, and to you heavenly Father for making a way for ALL of these people to enter into the path that you have created for me. Please help me to NEVER EVER forget that all that I do is done because of others!
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